Flat Roof Maintenance

A well-structured maintenance plan can avoid costly reactive repairs and efficiently identify defects that could be detrimental to the long-term performance of the building. This due diligence will provide added peace of mind to occupants and stakeholders alike.

Small roofing problems like leaks and debris can snowball into large, expensive issues. Fortunately, you can reduce the possibility of that happening with TremCare, and our tailored PPM packages. They help prevent premature deterioration and keeps your roofing assets in excellent working order.

Planned preventative maintenance (PPM); TremCare

We carry out 1-2 annual inspections that determine the condition of your building’s roof(s). We capture this data in a comprehensive roof condition report. During each inspection we also complete:

  • Visual roof inspection and housekeeping including unblocking outlets.
  • Preventative maintenance repairs on the roof membrane and laps, upstand details, metal and stone cappings, and outlets.
  • Report will also detail cost-effective recommendations for reactive repairs, refurbishment and replacement within budget.

The Tremco difference

  • Issues mitigated. Risk of issues, outlined above, are drastically reduced.
  • Roof access. Included within the package detailing the most cost-effective options for your budget.
  • Trained experts. Our internal technicians will be accessing the roof and carrying out inspections. It is essential that only trained and accredited individuals access areas at height. Estates are liable if an issue was to arise if untrained personnel were contracted.
  • Maintenance updates. Updates/logs will be kept to uphold guarantees/warranties.
  • Latest roofing technology. We have a range of roof diagnostics tools, including thermal imaging equipment, that will demonstrate areas of water ingress non-intrusively if significant damage is uncovered at the initial inspection.
  • Sustainable method. Carrying out maintenance will prolong the life of the roof, which therefore if no roof replacement is required, will reduce the demand for raw materials, energy and land-fill.
  • Asset management. It's about maximising the value of a roof asset throughout its life cycle, in the most cost-effective way. Maintenance is a pivotal component to this to ensure your roof investment is protected. Another important element is condition, we keep an inventory of your roof/s to help track asset performance.

We would always stress that if a warranty or guarantee is live on your roof, fixes should not be carried out by external parties without discussion with the warranty/guarantee provider. 

If we find that the roof has deteriorated significantly and a reactive fix will prolong the inevitable, or the damage has already happened and no other guarantees/warranties are in place, we would then suggest roof refurbishment.

We will discuss every detail at a no-obligation and free maintenance consultation. To book please contact us either by our form, phone, or email. 


Roof refurbishment services

Flat Roof Refurbishment

We deliver peace of mind to building owners and managers by managing the roof estate’s life cycles in all industries including education, healthcare, commercial, government buildings, and industrial. This includes roof repair, replacement and maintenance thereafter.

Roof Refurbishment
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