JS055 Cleaner For Mixers

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JS055 is used in mixing equipment cleaning operations. It is particularly suitable for cleaning elements that are in contact with two-component polyurethane sealants.

The information in this document is provided for informational purposes and are non-binding. Technical data are not expressly warranted characteristics of the goods.
Because the variety of material used, the variety of application processes and the variety of conditions of use are beyond
our control, preliminary tests are strongly recommended before any order.
The information and illustrations being reproduced on this document are based on features in progress and on our experience at the time of May 2015.
The manufacturer reserves the right of modifying the technical characteristics of its products at any time.
The warranty policy of these products is exclusively governed by our general terms and conditions of sales. Tremco CPG can not be held liable based on the general information given by this document.

The Technical and Safety Data Sheets must be read and understood before use.

  • No chlorinated hydrocarbon
  • Low evaporation rate
  • Facilitates the cleaning of mixers
  • Promotes the removal of cured sealan
SDS JS055 v4 GB - EN Safety Data Sheets
JS055 Technical Data Sheet (en-GB).pdf TDS
JS055 Technical Data Sheet (en-GB).pdf TDS